Wednesday, April 18, 2012

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

5 month pictures!

I have been slacking in the blogging lately! I didn't even take Adelyn's 4 month pictures! Oops! But needless to say, she turned 4 months....and THEN she turned 5 months! :)

She is such a sweet girl! She is smiling and laughing most of the time. She can roll over now from her back to her belly. She is learning to like tummy time a little more now that she an push up on her arms and look around.

She is eating solids now and does really well! Her favorite is bananas and her least favorite is peas. I can't blame though, the bananas taste like banana pudding and the peas taste like grass! She is still not sleeping through the night. Maybe she will before she is 12. :( She just gets up once around 3:30 or 4:00 and eats and goes right back down so it's not too bad. she has slept all night a few times, so I know she is capable. I may have to resort to crying it out eventually...but not yet.

Our swimming pool is finished and we are LOVING it. Adelyn loves it and has so much fun in the water. She is a water baby for sure! Here are some pics from the pool!

Shelby is doing fabulous as well. She started 3rd grade this week! Isn't that crazy!?! I was just in the third grade! :) She also got baptized on Sunday!!! :) We all went out to Rose of Sharon, that's where her mom goes, and watched her get baptized! It was so exciting!

Her mom is expecting, so she is going to have a new baby brother or sister in November. She is excited about that too. She had a really good summer. Anica and Caroline visited for several weeks, so she had a blast with them. She is always so sad to see them go!

Well, that was a lot of catching up to do! I will try to do better! Thanks for sticking around to read all that!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

3 month pictures and an update

Hi! I have been absent a while! Life's busy! Anyway, now that Adelyn is almost 4 months old, I am just now getting around to posting her 3 month pictures. Here she is...

She is getting so big! We have settled in to a good routine. She is napping and sleeping great. We absolutely LOVE our babysitter! I am so thankful we found her. I feel 100% comfortable that she is being loved on while I am at work!

This is her friend Laney from Ms Carrie's house. She is 8 months old. They are going to be such good friends!
Shelby is enjoying her summer. She is looking forward to her cousins from Thailand coming home for the summer. That's what we are counting down to at our house. "How many days til Anica and Caroline come home?" She is enjoying my new iPad...see...

I never know what I might find on here.
They started on our swimming pool today! We are very excited! Supposed to be done in a couple of weeks. We can't wait!

Here are some more recent pictures. I will try to update more often!

Friday, May 27, 2011

John and Carson

Hi Guys! Many of you know that I am quite the blog stalker. I read a lot of blogs. Ones that I came to from skipping around on other peoples blogs. One of the ones I love the most is Patrice and Matt Williams. They are a couple in North Carolina who have a little boy, Jonah, that has Epidermolysis Bullosa. It is a rare skin disease that cause the skin to blister and fall off whenever it is touched. He spends his life wrapped in bandages from head to toe, has a feeding tube, requires bandage changes daily that take hours on end. Patrice's faith in God and her optimism are inspiring. Anyway, she posted about these 2 orphans in Europe a few days ago, brothers who both have EB as well. They have a family that wants to adopt them and bring them home, but the cost is UNREAL! I wanted to post the link to her post here. If any of you can donate, please do. These boys have been on my mind, and if I can help to bring them home, that would be great. Even if you can just donate $5...every little bit helps.
 Go HERE to read Patrice's post about the boys
 Go HERE to make a secure donation through PayPal
 Go HERE to follow their story

Thanks! Maybe this will make a small difference in their life!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Visit to Charleston

Last weekend, we went to visit Aunt Laura and Uncle Danny in Charleston. Needless to say, I was a little anxious about the 5 hour car ride with Adelyn. She was WONDERFUL! Slept most of the way there, and the way back. When she was awake, she was happy! Very little fussing. It was great! We had a wonderful weekend. Shelby and Laura are lolly-gagging kindred spirits. They "get" each other. So, Shelby was in heaven. We went to some great restaurants, took Adelyn to the beach for the first time, climbed a 50ft rock wall, and saw the biggest oak tree EVER! Danny and Laura are great hosts. There were beautiful hydrangeas in our guest room and lots of food to eat. We had a really good time and can't wait to go back. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

 Adelyn and Daddy..her first view of the ocean

 Adelyn and Mama
Shelby climbing the wall

Me on the wall

Shelby made it to the very top...very excited!

Adelyn was entertained!

The Family in front of The Angel Oak

Largest living thing east of the Mississippi River

Thanks for having us Berryman's! It was a great time! Let's do it again soon!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nap Training

This book...although I haven't actually read it yet, is AMAZING!! Any of you who are friends of mine on facebook know that Adelyn has not ever been a napper. She would catnap here and there, if I was holding her, but never very long! A friend of mine mentioned this book and I ordered it. But just from reading the previews on line, I got the basic principle. When she wakes up, keep her up for 90 minutes, and then put her back down again. Basically, babies work on 90 minute intervals. If you don't get her down pretty close to 90 minutes, you will have to wait another 90 minutes before she will go to sleep. I started yesterday. It has been AMAZING!! Yesterday and today, I was able to swaddle her, sing to her for a few minutes, lay her down and she was OUT! 3 long naps yesterday. 2 so far today! She has been so much happier. No evening fussiness. Once I actually read the might be even better. But for now, I feel like I have my sanity back! :)  

Thursday, April 28, 2011

2 Month Pictures and Easter

Happy 2 Month Birthday to my baby girl!! 2 months already?? She is getting so big. She has started to notice her hands and how to make them work. She is batting at toys on the bouncy seat and carseat. Speaking of the carseat, she HATES it. She does not like being confined. Especially if the car is not moving....God forbid the light turn red!! She is learning to use her voice for reason other than crying. :) She is starting to try to talk and to mimic sounds. She goes to the doctor next week, but I am guessing she is getting close to 11 lbs. She is still not a napper. Will not do it unless she is being held. Maybe 20 minutes in the swing occasionally, but not consistently. I am counting on my babysitter to teach her to be an independent napper. :)  I will keep y'all updated on that.
   Adelyn's first easter was fun! On Saturday, we had an Easter egg hunt with the Presley's at Poppy and JuJu's house. It was lots of fun. Adelyn didn't really get into the egg hunt this year...but next year, she will! Shelby, however, was all about the egg hunt. :) Here are some pictures from that day.
 Easter baskets by Aunt Becky

Shelby left us on Saturday afternoon to go to her Mama's. Sunday morning, we all got dressed in our Sunday best and headed to Hopewell to introduce the babies to all our friends there. We got there at 10:55 and they were finishing up. We didn't know they were starting an hour early. So, we jumped in the car and flew across town to First Methodist. We were a little late, but snuck into the balcony unnoticed. Adelyn was an angel. Never made a peep during church! Here is our first family Easter picture. I am sad that Shelby is not in it. :(

The Warfield's

The Presley's